06 March 2024

Local organisation RSL Care has received $10,000 funding to commemorate the service and sacrifices of local veterans through the latest round of the Albanese Government's Saluting Their Service (STS) Commemorative Grants Program.

RSL Care South Australia will install six Vietnam War memorial totems at the Remembrance Walkway in RSL Care SA War Veterans Home, in Myrtle Bank.

Across Australia, more than $1 million in grant funding will be shared amongst 90 successful applicants.

STS is an ongoing national grants program aimed at honouring the history of Australia’s Defence personnel, veterans, and their families.

Applications for the next round of STS grants are open until 20 June 2024.

Grants are available to a wide range of applicants, including ex-service organisations, community groups, schools and local councils.  

STS Grants come in two categories:

  • Community Grants: Up to $10,000 for local, community-based commemorative activities.
  • Major Grants: Between $10,001 and $150,000 for significant commemorative projects with national, state, territory, or regional impact.

To find out more, or apply for a grant, visit:


Quotes Attributable to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, the Hon Matt Keogh MP:

“Saluting Their Service grants support local communities undertake projects that recognise and commemorate the service and sacrifice of our Defence personnel, veterans and their families.”

“Many older communities around Australia have cenotaphs and memorials dating back to World War I, but as an ever growing country we need to ensure Australia’s history is understood, and modern conflicts, and the service of modern veterans is recognised.”

“Australia’s service personnel come from all corners of our vast nation, this program ensures that the stories of local heroes are known, and recognised.”

“There are several significant commemorations in 2024, including the 25th Anniversary of INTERFET and the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. I would encourage anyone thinking about a project commemorating these two significant events in Australia’s military history to apply.”

Quotes attributable to Senator Marielle Smith:

“Our community has a proud history of service in the Australian Defence Force, and the grants awarded through Saluting Their Service are a crucial way of honouring our local veterans and their families."

“I’m proud the Albanese Labor Government is supporting veterans and veteran organisations in our community, such as RSL Care SA who is has a proud history of serving South Australian servicemen and women, war widows and their dependents.”

“I know our community has a strong desire to honour our local veterans, so I hope that everyone with a potential commemorative project in South Australia puts in an application for the current STS grants round, which close on 20 June.”