21 March 2024

Students from Seymour College and from Loreto College in South Australia have been recognised for their outstanding entries in a prestigious national history competition.

Senator for South Australia, Marielle Smith, congratulated Maria Gaganis from Seymour College, and Elisa Farah from Loreto College for being named South Australian winner and runner-up in the 2024 Simpson Prize.

The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students that focuses on the service of Australians in World War I.

Sixteen winners and runners-up, two from each state and territory, were chosen from more than 1,000 entries from 79 schools, the highest number of entries in five years.

“Maria Gaganis and Elisa Farah provided well-researched and considered responses to the statement ‘Commemoration of the Anzac tradition has widespread support in Australia despite different historical interpretations and debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend’”, Senator Marielle Smith said.

“Maria and Eliza are in Canberra this week to attend the 2024 Simpson Prize presentation ceremony and take part in a three-day program participating in events at Government House, the Australian War Memorial and other important cultural institutions.

“As the South Australian winner, Maria Gaganis will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel with winners from other states and territories to Singapore next month where they will visit historic sites and attend an Anzac Day commemoration service.

“I am sure Maria will be a wonderful ambassador for South Australia.”

Senator Marielle Smith said the Simpson Prize played an important role in encouraging history education in schools and ensuring students learned about the contributions of Australians during the First World War.

“I strongly encourage current Year 9 and 10 students from South Australia to start thinking about their entry for next year’s Simpson Prize competition.”

The Australian Government has proudly supported the Simpson Prize since 1998 and has provided the History Teachers’ Association of Australia with a $910,000 grant to manage the Prize from 2023 until 2026.

More information on the Simpson Prize and a full list of winners is available at: